
Special Bulletin: 2020 Microhams Digital Conference to be Streamed Live

I was notified yesterday that the popular Microhams Digital Conference
has been changed this year to a free virtual streamed event via the
YouTube platform this Saturday, May 9th, at 8:30 AM PDT. Here is the
notice sent to me by Scott, N7SS:

“Each year since 2007 the Microsoft Amateur Radio Club (Microhams) has
held a conference with a focus on digital communications. The
conference offers a variety of topics across a range of skill levels.
Our motto is “Inspire, inform and educate”. This year is the 13th
annual Microhams Digital Conference. We have changed directions too
many times to count planning for this year’s conference but we are
determined to provide a great show.

One of the virtues of going online is that we were able to invite
presenters that would be impractical to bring to the Seattle area. A
number of presenters will be speaking from the future. David Rowe, the
author of Codec2 and FreeDV will be speaking live from his home in
Adelaide, Australia. He’s 16 hours 30 minutes ahead of Seattle so it
will be Sunday morning for him. John Wiseman G8BPQ, the author of BPQ32
will be presenting from the UK and much of the Winlink development team
from all over the US. This is just a sample and the entire current
agenda can be found at (all
times are Pacific Daylight Time).

The conference can be streamed live directly from YouTube so there can
be an unlimited number of attendees. This year the conference is
available at no charge but we do request a donation via the web site to
cover our expenses. There is a chat channel in YouTube to ask questions
and these will be passed to the presenters (who may wait until the end
to respond). To provide a more interactive experience, there will be a
Zoom breakout room available at the end of the session where the
presenters can hang out and answer questions in person for the next
hour. Of course, the whole thing will be recorded on YouTube and
available for viewing later if you miss anything.

The links to the stream and Zoom breakout room are being finalized and
will be posted on the MHDC 2020 web site when complete. All the latest
updates are available at

See you Saturday!

Scott Honaker, N7SS for the MHDC Team

ARRL Northwestern Division
Director: Michael T Ritz, W7VO

One thought on “Special Bulletin: 2020 Microhams Digital Conference to be Streamed Live

  • Mike. Thank you for passing this along. I’ll try to make a special effort to tune in.

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